Photos of the Day: August 12, 2015

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Mystery plant, cow-wheat, and berries of Indian cucumber root ….


Linville Gorge
Mystery plant. Still working on I.D. Looks similar to the photo below, and was growing nearby. (Photo: Nick


Linville Gorge soapwort gentian (Gentiana saponaria)
This one is tricky. Looks like a green flower, but actually it’s a young soapwort gentian (Gentiana saponaria) which will be blue when it blooms in late summer, early fall. (Photo: Nick)


cow-wheat Melampyrum lineare Linville Gorge
This one looks like cow-wheat (Melampyrum lineare). (Photo: Nick)


Indian cucumber root (Medeola virginiana) Linville Gorge
This one is Indian cucumber root (Medeola virginiana). Flowers are
gone now but here are the berries. (Photo: Jon)