Photos of the Day: August 21, 2015

posted in: Flora & Fauna, Photos of the Day | 0

Here are some great new wildflower photos from Kayah Gaydish of Wild South.  Kayah is working on invasive plant removal in Linville Gorge, and knows a lot about plants in general.  Below are some of the first photos she’s shared with LGMAPS.

A lot of volunteers and interns help Kayah in the gorge.  If you’d like to join her, email .


xanthorhiza simplicissima - yellow root
yellow root (Xanthorhiza simplicissima)


Horse Sugar - symplocos tinctoria
horse sugar (Symplocos tinctoria)


golden ragwort-squaw weed- life root - senecio aureus
golden ragwort / squaw weed / life root (Senecio aureus)


fringed phacelia - phacelia fimbriata
fringed phacelia (Phacelia fimbriata)


bristly locust - robinia hispida
bristly locust (Robinia hispida)


butterfly weed-pleurisy root - asclepias tuberosa
butterfly weed / pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberosa)


ox eye daisy-daisy - chrysanthemum leucanthemum
ox eye daisy-daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)


rosebud orchid - cleistes divaricata
rosebud orchid (Cleistes divaricata)


sweet azalea - rhododendron arborescens
sweet azalea (Rhododendron arborescens)


service berry - amelanchier arbrea
service berry (Amelanchier arbrea)


violet common - viola papilionacea
violet common (Viola papilionacea)