Photos of the Day: November 14, 2015

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Pine snake (?) and a view north from MST….


Rick Davis snapped this shot of what may be a pine snake.
(posted on The Linville Gorge Facebook Group)


Meandering Hike. Following the Mountain to Sea Trail across Shortoff we meandered on and off the trail to various vantage points along the Shortoff cliffs as we continued north. The view always changing from point to point and as the midmorning sunlight chased the shadows farther up the slope and out of the valley. From Wolfpit parking the trail climbs the southern slope through an area burned by wildfires a few times during the last twenty years, leaving dead trees and charred wood that is still visible today…
f /8 – 1/250 sec. – ISO 200 18-300mm @ 32mm
(Photo: Danny Buxton)