Graffiti Removal & Trail Work on LGT at Babel Tower

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A number of graffiti sites have been identified in the gorge, and the project to remove the mess has finally begun. Thanks to the US Forest Service Grandfather District for advising on wilderness regulations and providing supplies.  Today’s effort was to establish technique, but the crew also made good progress in cleaning up the site.

Meanwhile, not far away, the rest of the gang did some much needed brush work to protect against trailbed erosion.  Tully the Wonder Dog showed a surprising talent for trail work …



Tedious and time consuming. Some of the crew spent the day carefully removing graffiti from rock. The challenge is to get paint and solvent off the rock with minimal impact. It can be done, but it takes dedication.




Before …


… During …


… After.





Amazingly, Tully helped carry the clippings to problem areas where they were used stop erosion.